Happy New Year (2020)


Doesn’t it feel like 2019 passed in the blink of an eye? We had a great year! Our baby turned 1 in February, we made a few trips to Las Vegas in the first quarter of the year going through the first stages of planning a move across state, had a great memorable summer with loved ones, upgraded our home in Los Angeles to put it up for lease, and made our big move to Las Vegas late summer. It was a great year overall until the last couple of months in which our grandfather (the only grandparent alive) passed away in November. The end of the year was tough and very traumatic - I needed to take time off from everything social to be with loved ones and cope with our most precious loss. It was difficult to celebrate the holidays with him gone but we made the best of it and reminisced all the good times with him and that brought smiles to all our faces. His legacy lives on in all of his loved ones.

We ended the year staying indoors in festive pajamas, ate delicious homemade foods, and had a great cozy night ringing into the New Year.

I hope everyone had a great start to the New Year. Wishing everyone a great and healthy New Year! As I grow older, I realize that the only thing that matters in life is good health. No amount of money can buy you an extra breath. Cherish and value your health. That’s what I’m focusing on for myself and my family this year - even more so than ever. And, this blog of course! :)
