10 Years of Marriage
Wow! Ten years. TEN YEARS. It feels like a lifetime but also feels like it was just yesterday. So weird how time works.
Definitely been the very best ten years of my life. Lots and lots of hard work, laughter and tears, ups and downs, accomplishments and disappointments, but no one else I'd rather do it all with than my love, my other-Leo-half, my best-friend.
We've definitely have come a long way to how we communicate and understand each other, to respecting each other, to loving each other more than ever. I can attest the first year of marriage is definitely the hardest. But, it's that first year that tests the couple's abilities and strengths to win over a great life together. I strongly believe the first year or two of marriage sets the stage for the rest of the years.
I am thankful to have a man by my side who has always supported me, as I have him. Just like anything else in life, marriage does not come with a how-to tutorial. Life throws us some beautiful moments to cherish as well as some ugly and hard times that we need to learn to cope together. As the years go by, the world changes, through living and experiences we may change too. And, we have. I am definitely not who I am today as I was ten years ago and I can say the same for my husband. But, with all the growing and evolving one should do in life, you just hope you can grow and develop together, not apart. Or at least respect each other's growth if it varies from your own. And, in the last ten years together, I've learned that. That no matter what, it's about learning together, experiencing and breathing together and being each other's rocks.
Together we have bought our first home, made two babies and another one kicking away in my belly as I type this post. We've traveled all the way to Jamaica and Barcelona and Italy and Paris and Hawaii and learned how to share space in the same suitcase. He's even shared his soda and fries with me since day one which says A LOT (which he NEVER did with anyone before me - HAHA). We've experienced life and death and everything in between and learned how to love each other through the peaks of our greatest moments and through the trenches of devastating grief.
I am so thankful to have my husband by my side, being such a supportive and encouraging teammate. And, for all the hard work he puts into us every day, and for putting up with all my shenanigans of pregnancy mood swings, food cravings and just crazy stubborn parts of me.
It's been the funnest ride yet and I am so excited for the next ten years and plus that we have together.
Thank you for being my best-friend and for putting the family first before anything else.
Cheers to 10 years! Here's a trip down memory lane :)
Engagement Celebration
Honeymoon in Jamaica
First Pregnancy
Second Pregnancy
Third Pregnancy / Party of Five-to-be