Our 12th Wedding Anniversary


I can’t believe today is already our 12th wedding anniversary!! Where did the time go?! Our lives has changed so much since 12 years ago. Sometimes when we are reminiscing about our first years of marriage, we laugh about how we thought life was busy and hard—life was so easy back then. The priorities change significantly. I remember how furnishing our new place, going back and forth to the stores on which pillows match our sofas best, and planning for weekend trips were our top priorities. We had so much time to waste. HAHA. Since then, we’ve added 3 kids to our squad. And, life has definitely become more challenging but ahh man so much richer. Or life is so perfect and we wouldn’t trade what we have today for anything. It’s what we both wanted and dreamed about for years. Every season has its own beauty. And, this season is definitely my favorite thus far. The kids are in the most fun ages right now. The way we spend time is definitely different now and we have to accommodate everyone’s likes and schedules but we manage. Back then, my husband and I went out every Friday and the weekend. Nowadays, we bring the food and entertainment indoors. Instead of going out to the movies, we end up having movie nights at home. Or instead of going out to restaurants, we order takeout. The weekends are filled with kid friendly spots like the arcades or an outdoor mall. By the time we get home, we are all so exhausted and look at each other like why do we do that to ourselves LOL. Yet, we do it over and over again but it’s our new norm. And, the kids sure know how to bring our inner child selves out so that’s always fun. As adults, sometimes we forget to have fun. So, here’s a porch photo of all five of us from today celebrating our marriage as a family. It’s the best shot to choose from all 55 takes LOL. We stayed in for the most part and I cooked pasta HAHA; no, not a candlelight Italian dinner style but a few shots of alcohol definitely took part. If we’re lucky enough and the kids let us borrow the tv, maybe we’ll pop in our wedding video. Love my little family so much!

p.s. this picture defines the kids’ personalities perfectly. Mason is always ears and pays attention to everything like a hawk. Katherine always sassy and rebellious. And, Lucas always on the run with some type of mission in mind.

Thanks for stopping by!
